Today we have comic artist and writer Mr. Eric Hutchison with us. We've known E-Hutch for close to 2 years now, he was a guest of honor at the United Fanboyz Comic-Con as well as a guest at another convention I promote, The Underground Comic-Con. He also runs his very own convention in New York, INBEON-Con.
How's it going Eric,
let the people know a bit more about you.

Alot of people known
Inbeon Studios because of Crimson Huntress, What else do you offer Inbeon fans?
Crimson Huntress was
one of two of the companies initial launch titles the other being Neo Revolver, a sci-fi epic created by Chris Cope.
Since then we have collaborated and published many other projects in the areas
of horror, sci-fi, fantasy, superheroes and manga, most notably a
post-apocalyptic hero’s tale called The Titan Corps: Spartan Elite by Will Falcone and a manga fantasy
adventure of a fox demon who lost her memory in Kitsunegari by
Talia Parker.
Tell us about Crimson
Huntress and the direction the character is going in?

Why do you think indie
cons are so important (Inbeon-Con, United Fanboyz Comic-Con and Underground
Comic-Con), just to name a few?
Indie cons are important because they can fill
the gaps that larger Comic Cons tend to leave out. Inbeon Con was created
specifically to focus on Artist that usually take a back stage to the larger
entertainment focused events.
What have you learned
about the comic book industry that keeps you wanting more?
One of the main things that keeps me moving
forward in comics is that I know this is the time of the independent. Never
before have we been able to access and showcase our craft to the world. There
will always be the big guys out there pushing everyone around but quality
storytelling and artistry combined with great interaction with your audience
easily will equal a level of success over time.
What is it like as a
creator to release a new comic?
It is a unique experience for me. It kind of
feels like a combination of excitement, relief, disbelief and angst all wrapped
up into one crazy emotion. As I write and draw more I become more confident in
my skills but ultimately I simply want my audience to enjoy my creation. When
someone takes the time to tell me how the story touched them or how the art
inspired them, it means the world to me.
What got you started
with comics, who were your favorite characters coming up and how does it attach
itself to the work you do now?
My grandfather use to give me old horror comics
when I was young. I loved dark and flawed characters like Batman and Wolverine.
I really fell in love with Image Comics.
Are you a fan of
Cosplay? I ask because costume play is huge now. Does it outweigh the core or
is it a perfect fit?
Yes I am. I've never done it myself but I am a
big fan. There is an incredible amount of creativity that goes into putting the
costumes together. Also I am from New Orleans, so every Comic Con with cosplay
is like a Mardi Gras Carnival to me.
What are some of your
future projects coming?
I have a couple of secret projects that will be
coming out later this year. For right now we are focusing on gaining a depth of
issues with the series we currently have.
Packed. The big ones are C2E2, Special Edition,
Eternal Con, Boston CC, Baltimore Comic-Con, NYCC. We are also doing an InbeonCon:
Summer Edition (8/8/15) and Winter Edition (12/12/15) on Long Island, NY this year.
How can new fans see
what you are doing?
Art by Eric Hutchison for United Fanboyz Comic-Con 2014
Hey Eric, if you have
any other acknowledgements, the floor is yours. Hope I see you guys at least 3
times in 2015. You are a constant reminder to why my work will become
successful and I can't wait to see a new Psionic/Crimson Huntress
Much respect man. Thanks for the opportunity. I
look forward to it.
Art by Jim O'Riley for United Fanboyz Comic-Con 2014
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