Things have been going great. I've always had something to work on over the last few years, pin-ups, covers, sequentials, cards and I'm now writing also. If anything is holding me back, it's my own lack of production. I'm very slow and too picky for my own good.
As we all know, the passing of one of the greatest geeks passed about a month ago, Mr. Spock himself, Leonard Nimoy. What did Mr. Nimoy mean to nerd culture, in your opinion?
He was a sci-fi icon, as big as they come. As far back as I can remember, I can remember Spock. The original Star Trek was a huge influence on me, even before Star Wars. I still love it. As a kid it seemed so amazing and as an adult I love it for the cheese value. He was a great man and an amazing musician also as we saw in the "Way to Eden" episode;)
What I want to know about is Action Lab: Danger Zone. How much did you enjoy working on that?
Action Lab: Danger Zone is the adult imprint of Action Lab Comics. I did one of the launch titles with Jason Martin called "Night of the 80's Undead". It was a John Hughes meets George Romero, campy, gory homage to '80s teen and horror b-movies. It was way over the top in the violence, drug use and one particular sexual situation. Action Lab was super cool and let us get away with what ever we wanted to. I was a bit worried when I was drawing it because I knew they were know for their all ages titles but everything went right to print, so yeah, They're awesome to work with.
What is your comic-con schedule for 2015?
I'm in the middle of selling a house and relocating, I'm not even sure where I'm moving yet, so this con season is a bit up in the air. I will definitly be at Philly Wizard World, Tidewater Comicon and Awesome Con in may. Later in the year I'll be at Baltimore Comic-con and NYCC. I'm sure there will be a bunch more, I just need to work them out.
What is your daily schedule when it comes to comic book projects?
Because of the moving thing, I've drawn less in the last month then anytime over that same period since I was a kid. I'm hoping to settle down sooner that later so I can get back to a regular schedule. I do have enough to keep me busy at the drawing table full time, 7 days a week. I have a sequel to "Night of the 80's Undead" that is written and needs to be drawn next. It'll take a while.
What is your inspiration? What writers and/or artists would you say you look up to or admire?
When I was a kid I was all about Byrne and Perez. When I got older I discovered Heavy Metal magazine and It changed everything for me. My all time favorites are Corben, Moebius, Dave Stevens, Adam Hughes, Art Adams and Jaime Hernandez. These are the heavyweights for me. I hate when people are asked a similar question and then respond "too many to name".

What are your 3 favorite graphic novels?
Beg the Question by Bob Fingerman.
Bo, Plushy Gangsta: Kingdom of Bo by Pavel Balabanov.
Den by Richard Corben.
Bo, Plushy Gangsta: Kingdom of Bo by Pavel Balabanov.
Den by Richard Corben.
How did you break in to the comic book industry?
Before his passing, my good friend Pat Carlucci told me about a new comic that was coming out called Zombies vs Cheerleaders. That was in late 2010. He said they were having a pin-up submission contest. The winner's pin-up would be published in the first issue. It seemed taylor made for what I do. I submitted one and soon after wascontacted by the creator. He said that he was going to use my pin-up for a cover and wanted another illustration to use as the pin-up. I ended up working on almost every issue of that book over the next 4 years. Working on ZvC, doing cons and especially being on Deviant Art at the time lead to many other contacts and projects.
Creator-Owned comics are becoming a big thing. What is your take on true indie comics?
I read mostly creator owned or Indy comics. I rarely read anything from Marvel or DC. If I do buy a Marvel book, It's most likley because someone like Art Adams or Tradd Moore drew it. I can't honestly remember the last Marvel or DC book I bought for the story. Maybe Kick Ass. That's Marvel, right?
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