Thank you for joining us on the United Fanboyz website. Let everyone know your name and where you are from?
Ashley Badie. I am from Woodbridge, Virginia
I have been shooting cosplay since 2012 and I started studying photography in 2009
So, I see you attended The Art Institute of Washington. What did you study?
How many conventions did you attend in 2014 and which was your favorite?
MAGfest is always my favorite because its one of the only conventions I go to for fun and not to work at. I went to 8 conventions in 2014.
I want to attend some events that I have never been to before and I want to get more into panels and helping newbies out. I think that cosplay is heading in a very interesting and exciting direction so in 5 years, this subgenre may even become a popular and common hobby for everyone.
Who would you say influences you in the community or not?
Everyone does. I am motivated by the newcomers and the veterans. I constantly learn new things from everyone I interact with.
What are your feelings on cosplay racism? Why do you think some people still have a problem with it (cosplaying whoever you like.)?
I think that the bottom line is that everyone should be able to cosplay whomever they would like to. I think its an issue that has definitely gotten better in the past couple years I've been around the community, but it still needs alot of work. Just with any sensitive topic, it gets comolicated and heated really quickly, but we still need to keep talking about it. But don't forget to cosplay for yourself and make yourself happy first.
What is your con schedule looking like so far in 2015?

I am also involved in two awesome cosplay photography Kickstarters! Miraki Expo and Studio Cosplay!
Where was one of your favorite locations to shoot?
I like shooting outside. Mostlybin wooded forests. Natural beauty at its best.
How can fans find you online?
INSTAGRAM- @hey_ashb
TWITTER- @hey_ashb
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