Hey everyone we've got Alex Fernandez here with us, finally...lol.
I have been trying to catch up with you for a while please introduce yourself
to everyone.
Hi, I am Alex Fernandez the creator/Director of the hit sci- fi
web series Body Jumpers.
I have family in Brooklyn and upstate New York. Rochester to be
exact, it's February, what is the weather like there? I am in Bed
Stuy section of Brooklyn in the Roosevelt Houses just a few blocks from where
Spike Lee filmed DO THE RIGHT THING and right now the weather is nothing short
of cold. There's a lot of snow having just been thru the snow storm that
pounded the east coast earlier this week.

Body Jumpers is a part urban part sci-fi web
series that follows the Story of Shia'ra a female agent sent to earth by the
I.D.A.(Interplanetary Department of Agents) to secretly protect the humans from
Lord Primus and his band of assassins. She is assigned to patrol Section 112
Bed Stuy, Broooklyn. They all heroes and villains have special powers for
example Shia'ra the hero of the show has the ability to fly. Kora is a
Pyrokinetic. She can control fire at her will and so on. So there is always
something exciting happening from episode to episode as well as watching the
characters grow.
What impact do you want to make with body jumpers?
Well Body
Jumpers is a web series where the main hero is an african - american female.
The cast is predominately female it is two subjects that i think the film
industry is for some reason or another still struggling with. Just take a look
at this years Oscar's nominations and thats proof enough. There is not enough
diversity in the film industry. We need to see more and I mean all minorities
in general. I grew up and live in New York City, The melting pot. I would like
to see more of a melting pot on screen.
SO the impact i would like to make
with Body Jumpers is to show people that you can have a series or films
with a female african american hero and lead who is not on drugs,a hooker,a
mistress,an ex con, a loser mom or comedy relief, doesn't die first and guess
what people will still like it and support it if you have a good story to tell.
All the women on the show are strong characters and i would like to see more
women getting a chance at bat in front and behind the cameras.
What was your inspiration behind the creation of body jumpers?

What other projects have you worked on besides body Jumpers and
how does it help your progression now?
I Directed a few documentaries one called
Glory Days: My Life As A Sniper on a marine sniper from the 1980's and Full
Force: A Family's Journey to Success on the classic musical group. Afterwards I
created Sin Chronicles a sci-fi story about a female bounty hunter named Sin.
It is a comic book series which i am currently making it into an 3D animated short
titled Sin Chronicles : The Bounty Hunter that will be released later this
year. In the 2 years since i started Body Jumpers i have progressed a lot with
all the hats i juggle doing the series. I write,shoot,edit,create the visual
fx,the posters everything. I have no crew only a set of amazing and dedicated
actors and actresses. Now we also have Body Jumpers Comic Books which was
really a whole new field to me writing the stories for the live action series
and the comic book counter part has been an amazing experience for me as well
as the cast seeing themselves as comic book characters. Just have to say thank
you to all the amazing artist that are part of Body Jumpers team.
Do you plan on setting up at random Comic Con's this year?
If so, where?
Yes , we do plan on hitting the convention circuit this year. The first one you
can catch Body Jumpers is at ICC CONVENTION-Baker Comics, JUL 24-25TH, 2015, Hyatt
Place Orlando Airport.
Who would you say you look up to in the
industry or would get encouragement from in the business?
My favorite director of all time is Alfred
Hitchcock he is the director i probably study the most but also other greats
like Godard, Fellini, Truaffant, Kurosawa, Griffith
and many more. I love the old films the black and whites, silent you can learn
so much from watching an old film.I watch a movie a day everyday and i advise
anyone who wants to be a film maker to watch old films and foreign films it
helps you a lot in many different ways.
Who is the cast of body jumpers? And shout
out the production crew.
Patricia Lisanne is Amy Brooks/Shia'ra,
Linda Delmonico Prussen is Kora, Gretchin Natalie Noel is Seraphim, A. Marie
Walter is Agent Nexus, Harold B, Gibson is Agent Darius. Parisse Daves is Tasha
Brown/Pink Hammer, Danielle Harper is Persephone, Daisy Taveras is Aurelia and
our special guest star Bowlegged Lou Of Full Force and the House Party films is
Lord Primus. I have no production crew since i do it all by myself
How can all of your new fans see your work
and what's coming next?
They can catch us on You tube at www.youtube.com/TheBodyJumpers on
SparkkTv.com to watch the show. They can also visit our Facebook,twitter and
instagram pages and then Later this year they can catch Body Jumpers on Xbox,
Amazon Fire HD, Roku, Opera TV presented by After Hours HD Channel. Season 1
blu ray/Dvd of Body Jumpers and body Jumpers comic book series all available on
Facebook- www.facebook.com/BodyJumpers
Instagram- @bodyjumpers
Hey Alex thanks for joining us at United
Fanboyz, we hope to hear from you soon and will definitely see you in the near
future. Are there any other acknowledgments you would like to give?

Here is the Anime based on my comic book series.
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