
Street Fighter V Review

I've been a fan of Capcom's Street Fighter series since about 1988, if I'm not mistaken that was one year after the original cabinet came out. An arcade in Baltimore City called Crazy John's was where I fell IN LOVE with Street Fighter II. I believe that was 1992. I could sit here and break down every SF game in comparison to Street Fighter 5. Street Fighter 5 is a complete success and a complete failure. I'll explain why, but first, check me out below trying to shake the cobwebs off, because I haven't played a Street Fighter title in about a year.

Street Fighter 5 is a complete success because the release date cast is pretty great, new characters like Necalli, Rashid, Laura and F.A.N.G. all come with a unique move-sets that makes you use your Street Fighter IQ to strategize and pick up wins. The art is beautiful, each stage is full of colors and designs we have not seen yet. The music is great, with nice remixes of classic character themes that you appreciate, along with the new music, Brazil vs #2 to be exact. Listen below.

Some of the negatives that we hope will change with time would have to be the fact that their is no player vs CPU Arcade Mode, which still makes me scratch my head. That should've been one of the first modes they put in the game. It leaves a sour taste, but like I said, hopefully it will change within the next 6 months. The early Story Mode also isn't that good right now. Street Fighter 5 is STILL NOT a finished game, meaning there is more coming, we are getting an extension on Story Mode and the Free Fight Points DLC characters like Alex, Urien, Balrog & Guile to name a few. If you are a competitive gamer, this is your game. Everything you need to become a tournament player is right here. BUT, for everyone that just wants casual cpu play, it's hard right now. This is the first time ever Street Fighter has not had Arcade Mode and it's a bit disturbing.

When Street Fighter 5 released, the server was on the fritz, but as of TODAY, Online gaming is great, there are always good matches with great connections, so I don't see online play ever being a problem, but I definitely see it getting better with time, just like the game itself. IF... Capcom implements an Arcade Mode and Spectator Mode, we could be looking at a 9.5 from me. Unfortunately that is not the case, with all the buzz of Street Fighter 5, this game should have come standard with these features. One last thing I must complain about, there is absolutely no reason why this early Story Mode should be this bad, what I do like about it is the way they attach certain characters to each story in an attempt to go canon.

Street Fighter 5 is the GIFT & the CURSE. A beautiful game with new skills like V-Trigger & V-Skill, new characters and more to come, but the Story Mode and CPU Arcade mode has this game traveling on a donut tire. If whats to come is legit, Street Fighter 5 will be a definite 9 to 10`, but as of today, from me, Street Fighter 5 gets 8 Hadous out of 10

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