What's up readers! Sorry for my hiatus, but my health is much better now. This is Jamie Rae aka LipstickOnMe. I'm here to let all you UnitedFanBoyz (and girls) know about my Comic-Con experience. I will also inform you how to get into Comic-Con if you're trying to attend in the future. Let's start there.
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My Comic Con welcome bag/programs |
Do NOT open multiple tabs.
Do NOT open a different web browser. (for example one tab on Firefox one on Internet Explorer)
Do NOT open multiple tabs on the same browser
Do NOT refresh the page
People will attempt to fool newbies into doing these things sometimes. My suggestion would be to just grab a nice cup of tea and wait by the computer like nobodies business. There will also be information that you will see scroll thru a yellow highlighted area. This will keep you informed on what days have sold out as well. To better your odds, you can link up with up to two other people. If you get into the purchase badge area you are allowed to bring up to two more registered people in with you. I would link up with a group of friends and have everyone's money ready to go on one card. This way, whoever gets in first can bring the other people in and get their badges as well. Just make sure that all the people that wish to join up and by badges with you have registered for free before the on sale date here.
Moving forward, I love comics as much as the next person, but I attend Comic Con mainly for the swag and anime/manga panels. I also attend to donate blood at the Blood Bank and for the video game lounges. Comic Con San Diego definitely has something for everybody. However, since this is my blog I will enlighten you on my experience.
Marriott Rewards Lounge
This was by far one of my favorite places. This is a lounge that is located inside the Marriott that offers free food, cocktails and other items. All you need to do to get inside is sign up to be a Marriott Rewards member. They have kiosks right outside the lounge you can use to join making signing up easy. Marriott Rewards is completely free to join. One day the lounge had custom shirts you could design and make yourself. The next day they even had free massages and facials! There were some Nintendo Wii set ups for people to enjoy and a DJ playing great music. I got a free universal charger and a blue tooth speaker. Who could ask for more? This place stays loaded with water and Pepsi so it's a great spot to stop in if you need to refresh from the con as well. I simply put my twitter name on my shirt so make sure to follow @rG_LipstickOnMe ^-^
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My universal charger, speaker and custom shirt |
Nintendo Lounge
This year the Nintendo Lounge focused more on tournament game play. There was a Mario Kart 8 tournament and a Super Smash bros 4 3Ds tournament. You also could try all the new upcoming Nintendo Wii U games. This is a great place to chill and play 3DS with friends at as well. In 2013 at the Nintendo Lounge however, if you played a game you got a ticket. After you played three games and got three tickets you could trade them in for a prize. They had shirts and bags as prizes. I prefer this more so over the tournament aspect but the Nintendo Lounge is still a great place you should check out.
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Nintendo Lounge before it opened |

Microsoft Lounge
In 2013 I could not find this place, so I was glad to have found it this year. This lounge had the best events. They had Game of Thrones actors stopping by to lounge and Microsoft lanyards. The autograph signings were my favorite part of this place. I received an exclusive Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha print that I had autographed by the game staff. Only 450 prints were made just for Comic Con. I also got another chance to play amazing games such as Sunset overdrive again! (First time I played was at E3, read my review on Sunset Overdrive here.) When I signed up to per-order Sunset Overdrive ( and who wouldn't!) I received a free poster for reserving the game. I can't wait to see what Microsoft has in store for next year.
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Signed Print from Deadrising Ex Plus Alpha |
Square Enix is the ideal video game marriage. They had some awesome games to try such as Kingdom Hearts 2.5 and many others. You would receive an awesome 8 bit Final Fantasy character lanyard when you registered on the Square Enix website. (But seriously, who is not already signed up on there!?) The Funimation area stays up to date with your latest anime and manga in stock. This year they gave away some cool Goku hair people could wear in honor of the new Dragon Ball Z : Battle of the Gods movie coming to theaters. Funimation also had an excellent panel during the convention. They premiered the English dubbed version of the movie Bayonetta : Bloody Fate. (see original trailer here.) I had to check the movie out and I will confirm that the English voice cast did a stellar job! I rate the movie a strong 4/5 stars. Funimation also interviewed those of us who saw the movie after the premier, so keep your eyes peeled for me on Funimation.com
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Square Enix |
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Me + Bayonetta |
Viz Media Exibit
The Viz media exhibit is always the first one I go to. They have a unbelievable give-aways all four days of Comic Con. This year they had 4 Ranma 1/2 water bottles. You would play Ranma plinko to see which bottle you would obtain, and each game was a guaranteed win. In addition to the water bottles, Viz also handed out some wonderful One Punch Man posters and balloons. Hello Kitty was also in the house celebrating with a photo opp for her fans and autographs from the artist of her Hello Kitty comic book. This booth also had the new Naruto game to try, anime playing, Sailor moon posters, free Hulu plus trials and Neon Alley in the building to talk about new up coming animes.

Capcom was in attendance with exclusive items for sale. If you reserved Ultra Street Fighter you would receive an Ultra Street Fighter poster featuring Ryu and Ken. I was lucky enough to receive an autographed poster from Yoshi Ono myself. Some of your favorite professional street fighter players we also present hanging out at the booth. There were many set ups available for people to play Ultra Street Fighter on. This year Comic Con San Diego was also a stop on the Capcom Pro Tour. The top 16 finals of that tournament were held on Sunday of Comic Con weekend at the Omni hotel.
Comic-Con Honorable Mentions
Sega Lounge
Please bring back the Sega Lounge! In 2013 a restaurant across the street from the convention center was transformed into the Sega lounge. They had Hatsune Miku Project Diva F set ups available for play. A DJ was inside the place spinning awesome tunes and even Sonic himself was out front dancing. My hopes were so high this year that the Sega lounge would return, especially when I seen Sega at E3 and Anime Expo as well. All I can say as far as my hopes go for Comic Con 2015...bring back the Sega lounge!!
Shonen Jump Truck
Behind the convention center by the pier in 2013 there was a truck giving out free sodas and energy drinks by Shonen Jump. You would wait in line for your custom printed Shonen Jump shirt (of which you chose the colors of) and while you were waiting you could have all the free soda and energy drinks featuring your favorite anime and manga characters as you wished. This truck was an amazing place to cool off and quench your thirst. If you love anime then you would have loved to see this truck this year at Comic Con 2014. Bring back the Jump Truck please!
Lipstick's Comic-ConPlaint
No, it's not the lines or the weather. Those things are to be expected. My #1 Comic-ConPlaint goes to the loud annoying people who think they are funny and constantly yell during the masquerade. People spend good money to enjoy this show. I understand that you may be socially awkward and can only make other socially awkward people laugh, but by all means please SHUT THE HECK UP! I'm fair. A joke here and there is ok, but as soon as you people get one laugh you just don't stop! Your comments are crude and disgusting. You annoy all the people trying to enjoy the show in the masquerade overflow room. Some people also drink liquor in the over flow room which is not permitted. Next year I will get up and ask these people to quiet down or be that person who gets security and has you leave. I'm far from a hater so please don't force me to become that person. As I stated before, a joke here and there is ok. You need to remember that all con goers are not classless gumps such as yourselves though. Have some consideration for others. You would not exhibit such boisterous behavior in the movie theater, so don;t do it in the masquerade screening.
There you have it. In Comic-ConClusion, make sure you do what's needed to attend Comic-Con next year and be sure to check out my recommendations. See you in 2015. :)
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