CM Punk's Revolution
The best in the world! That is what WWE superstar CM Punk has named himself. If you followed his career leading up to his current 300 plus day run as the companies top champ, you would have to agree with him. CM punk to me is a very interesting superstar, who has visions of old school wrestling like the 90s when WWE/WCW/ECW were the hottest shows on TV. I believe WWE needs to establish a massive heel faction to run crazy and takeover the company. And I think that there are signs pointing to that.
Recently there has been rumors to bring back the Nexus or a similar faction.
But remember Punk was the last leader of the Nexus... Additionally in his new DVD release he goes into some details about his run with the Straight Edge Society and how he knew it could be come bigger than it was.
Now with AJ being fired from the GM position and Paul Heymen fight to get that position adds to the take over possibility. Also the WWE 13 video game is based on a new revolution and the attituted era.
We will see tonight the start of Punk's revolution as he retains the WWE title versus Ryback.
I believe you will see involvement from Brock Lesner and other Heyman guys to come to Punks aid.
Yet Cena and Goldberg may come to Ryback's aid as well. This will equal old school chaos that will lead to a big payoff at Survivor Series. Before then we will witness CM Punk's revolution and control over the WWE.
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