
"7-inch tablets are going to be DOA"

The title is a quote for the late Steve Jobs. The question is did Jobs truly believe what he said, or was he trying to trick the enemy (Google) to not invest much energy and resources to this form factor? Of course tablets and their size are the devices in question here. Still the current tablet crazy is frustrating and confusing at best.

As we have all heard now Apple will be holding an event on 10/23! We all believe that this will be the announcement of the iPad Mini. In the leaked picture below you can see the future 7.8 iPad next to the iPad 3.
What else is in store for us during the event? Will they only focus on this device? Will they release an update to the new iOS 6? Is this just a big iPod? How much will it be?

Regardless of the above questions I believe this will sell and I mean sell well! People love Apple, and if they manage to keep this at a $249 price range, there will a lot of happy kids!

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About J. Martel

A co-created Fan blog with a mission to share views, ideas and opinions on many topics. To include Comics, Tech, Gadgets, Video Games, Music, Movies, Interviews, WWE, and more.
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